VERY impressive! But as a dad, all I could think while watching was, "OMG, girl, please don't get hurt!"
A couple of years ago I bought a bike strictly for re-sale, as I recall it was a Kaw 1500 something....not a bagger, looked more like a big dyna...anyway, my middle son, who was 19 at the time, asked me if I thought maybe he could have it and learn to ride.
I told him yes, but he'd have to take a Rider Safety Course and then ride with me for MONTHS before I'd let him ride out the driveway on his own.
The next morning he came to me and told me he had slept on it and had changed his mind, and in the last couple years, I have asked him if he ever wanted to reconsider that decision and he has consistently said "No.".
Am I am a hypocrite for being IMMENSELY relieved that he doesn't want to learn to ride, even if it was the threat of me being his shadow for months that had done it?
I know it sounds awful, coming from a Mod on this forum, and from a rider of 40+ years, but I sleep better at night knowing my two older boys don't want to ride, and my youngest has shown an interest, but not enough to warrant any encouragement, so I'm hoping it's a passing fancy like many other things he talked about but quickly forgot about (skateboarding, surfing, etc)
Am I wrong that I'm so happy that he's very content with taking piano and guitar lessons, (and doing VERY well at both), and not into contact sports or riding, as I was when that age? (he just turned 12)
I'm just thinking out loud here guys, I guess because of this thread's any of the dads out there feel the way I do??