I doubt our debate will influence a battery purchase decision; just two forum members putting forth. Guys and gals need to dig in and do the homework and make an informed decision based on the comparative differences in the two products, their individual needs and available funds.
For instance, jamesearl is all set to buy a Big Crank battery, probably the ETX30L which is a decent battery but has half the warranty, half the service life, 3 times the weight and a weaker amp hour rating than a comparable lithium battery. I have run that battery in my FLHT and almost got 4 years out of it; I expect at least 6 years out of the lithium battery I replaced it with. Having three bikes, they all spend a fair amount of time on a tender. Actually, for a touring model, jamesearl should be looking at a 625CCA rated battery for a touring bike; 400CCA rated batterie are for softails and dynas. Granted, the lithium batteries do cost more but not 4X more.

A 400CCA rated lithium battery can be had, with charger, for about $250; a 625CCA rated lithium battery can be had, sans charger, for a little less; IIRC, I paid $225 for mine.
As for difficulty cold starting, lithium batteries need to be "warmed" up and there is a procedure for that; check out the Twin Power site I have linked and watch the short video of a 25* battery starting a 103" touring motor.
As I said before, it does not matter to me what battery anyone chooses to use but at least anyone interested in what options are available should take the time to do the homework. Personally and JMHO, the current lithium batteries have an added value and are worth the additional cost but I certainly understand why some may see it differently.
Stepping off the soap box now and retiring from the discussion. Waiting for someone to blow up a motor, decide to build a performance motor or have some other catastrophe occur that I can assist with.