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Bike Medical Insurance?

The medical coverage linked to motorcycles was related specifically to rider and passenger and the other vehicle...not the occasional "risky" behavior thing. But if you do a lot of it and insurance company has something in their policy to leverage a higher premium of course they will do it. Part of the reason why medical records and concern of DNA records et al being an issue. But how do you think insurance companies make money and set priorities, just pickone of many...a) mandated insurance lobbyist - "you must have our product, it's the law" , b) unregulated industry - "we can regulate ourselves because we are big business that is what we do..." policies c) satisfy our shareholders last quarter, increase profit & salaries, either by enlarging the base or get rid of expenses (payouts to the insured)...remember easiest management style is not having to make a decision is best, no risk and you just collect your salary (and bonus) welcome to wall street mentality 101...

Insurance like most things started off with a good idea, just ended up banking, savings and loans. Lets help people, okay, now lets make a profit...oh yeah we were supposed to help people...
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I think he might be referring to the medical coverage you get through work. You have little or no control over the quailty of coverage your employer is giving you. If your dirt biking or such, your work insurance might be whats in question? I haven't worked for over six years, so I don't know anything current about insurance coverage through the job. Your work insurance, private insurance, car, mudersickle or whatever insurance, all do differant jobs at differant times as far as protecting your body. Come on, somebody here must sell insurance and can give us the truthfull skinny on the topic?
My wife works at the Mayo Clinic her in Jacksonville Fl. They recently sent home a survey of our life style. When they saw the Motorcycle they responded that was an extreme life style. What ever that means ,we have the best medical coverage money can buy I just dont get the insurance companies attitudes towards Bikers Power Boats Airplanes etc.
My wife works at the Mayo Clinic her in Jacksonville Fl. They recently sent home a survey of our life style. When they saw the Motorcycle they responded that was an extreme life style. What ever that means ,we have the best medical coverage money can buy I just dont get the insurance companies attitudes towards Bikers Power Boats Airplanes etc.

I make it a habit not to give up any information to anything or one that I'm not required to by law. You answer all the questions Mr. Nice Policeman asks (your papers, please) and see what happens when he gets you in court. Questionnaires and surveys are all about the same thing. Giving up any info is usually not in your best interest. Name, rank and service number... "Trust no one!"
Nogoslim has the right idea, do not "volunteer" more information than what is specifically required by law. How do you think "pre-existing condition" became a policy line item...because that information exists in a database. Imagine what will happen if your family history or eventually your DNA info is stored someplace. Think the insurance companies would PAY handsomely for that to know information is a double edged sword as is knowledge and power to use it. Really scary stuff...when you add it to our "extreme life style"...motorcycling is just a way to leverage insurance pricing upwards.
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Between business,auto,bike,boat,house and life insurance I pay out approx.$20,000. a year,but if you read the fine print on any of them if I am racing or
skydiving I have no medical coverage.I also have never been able to get mortgage insurance due to the fact that I raced cars trucks and motorcycles for 20yrs.:(
I was told by my Ins co. that in Maryland there is no personal injury protection medical coverage on our Motorcycle policies. That is if it is your fault or no one is charged in the accident. So even if you hit a deer you don't get medical payments. But if another vehicle is at fault, then thier policy would pay for your medical under thier liability clause.
Our car and truck policies do have personal injury medical coverage.
Now I am told that our health insurance does pay for any motor vehicle accident, and if you have other coverage, like personal injury protection or the other driver is at fault, then the health ins. company will recoup the amount of charges for care from the auto policy.
I was listening to a show that was talking about the National Health care proposals, and they were reading some of the proposed conditions for our new health ins. One of them was if you rode motorcycles or sky dive or race or scuba or own a gun or hunt, that your premium would be about 3 times the amount of the average premium due to the fact that we would be a greater risk. Also it might require a gun owner to have an additional million dollar liability coverage in case of an accident. "OH Well"
Howdy cowboywildbill, I remember back in the fifties, my Grandpa used to say, "The country's going to :devil in a hand basket". I bet he's rolling in his grave bout now. He never had much trust in the insurance companies...
I was not able to get to back to this forum sooner, so I was unable clarify what was on my mind with this thread and what has transpired.

I understand the forums should not be used for personal attacks, but did feel that by asking my question, at least one person was assuming I had some kind of hidden political agenda. I thought I was being personally attacked (against the rules) and accused of promoting scare tactics. If those comments were NOT directed at me, then fine. Misunderstandings occur, sometimes on both sides.

Yes, I was referring to health insurance policies, the kind we usually get from an employer, that MIGHT exclude "high risk" activities such as motorcycle riding. As one poster stated ABATE was active in this problem, and like him, I also have heard very little about this in the past few years.

It seems a few others are aware that this HAS been a problem. Maybe this thread will be open for a while to find out just what the situation really is.
I think its all part of the insurance companies driving profits and we should not be penalized because we choose to ride motorcycles. If u have good coverage fight to keep it support abate . Here in Florida no insurance is required on a motorcycle. I dont understand this one I thought all motorized vehicles were required to carry at least liability coverage I choose to carry full coverage and high medical you never know especially with no fault another great mis nomer probably spelled that wrong.