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Bike Shuts Down When Warm

When it gets hot and won't start, do you have spark? I read enough posts in other forums about failing ignition modules, that I have a spare.
Everything I've read here and elsewhere points to a failing ignition module. At this point I'm willing to replace it and see what happens. I'll keep you all posted.
O.K. Gang,
I replaced the ignition coil. I rode it for about five miles and it was fine. I went out that evening - what a big mistake. I was about 4 miles from home when it stopped. I'll spare you all the details of pushing and swearing. I won't even tell you about the tow truck that wanted to hoist my bike like a fat whale. Needless to say, I turned it down... but I digress.
Today I pulled the float bowl and found plenty of water. I'll try to empty the tank soon and put in fresh gas. Hopefully that will do it.
This shutting down when it gets warm seems to be hard to diagnose as my sportster left me stranded a few times and when dealer got it, they couldn't duplicate the condition. ( but still gave me a bill for trying) Finally I found a mechanic who ran across this condition before and he replaced the pickup sensor for the ignition ( the part where if it was real old you would find points there) and it fixed the problem permanently. Good Luck and hope you find the problem. ( hope maybe this helps)
Thanks VH,
Today I pulled the tank and dumped it, there was water and rust at the bottom, changed the fuel filter, emptied the float bowl again for good measure. I put fresh gas in and still got stranded. This time not terribly far from home.
I'll look into the replacing the pick-up sensor that you mentioned and let you know how it goes.