Take you camera Bodeen, (since Jack will forget his) and post up some pics. Same goes for the Ocala ride if any of you do that, but it never seemed to collect much interest. And don't forget to include another shot of the fine lookun Night Train of PA's. I wish I could be there and see all you guys, but things are not goin too smooth right now for me (non bike related). You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need.
Send me your address and I will send you a gift certificate at the resturant of your choice for all the beer I was gonna buy you. It's the least I can do after you buying both my wife and my dinner last spring.
I'll have a camera with me, always do while in Daytona! Using it is a different story. I'll try real hard though. I may even make Jack use my camera to take a picture just to see the results!
Nah man, that gonna happen. We'll catch up sometime and if not I feel confident in the fact that a small gesture like that will come back to me many times over. Its a karma thing. Hey, you take care and get back to the old RWB and we'll drink a PBR together! Because thats what RWB's do.