I say give it a shot. If nothing else, you will have something totally unique.
i ride a Electra Glide Standard Black Denim, people love it it looks really sharp. The only thing is that it shows dust really quick. but it cleans really easy and quik. I would do it. You have not idea how many people have mention that they wish they had picked up the denim blak. EnjoyI think it would look real good, and would definitely be different, and that's a good thing.
I would NEVER knock another guy's choice of color, but the whole "denim" look has left me cold from Day One.
I like bright and shiny paint, and as Steve mentioned, lots of chrome. In fact, I usually fall in love with the bikes I see with the wildest paint schemes, even though my own paint is about as conservative as it gets. (For those of you who have seen my "theme", does it get any more conservative?)
Put some RED on it too! I seen a Flat Black Dyna Street Bob the other day with blacked out Motor Accessories, it had chrome Hot Toppers on every nut and bolt, red wheels and some other stuff. Flat Black, Chrome and Red speak "BAD", real good and say it loud too!I think it would look real good, and would definitely be different, and that's a good thing.