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Blew right by us

I've ridden with these guys, wide open throttle, leave you in the dust feeling, no big deal, I can go fast too, but I don't [most of the time ] I like to see the things I go by, At high speed to much can happen and you don't get 2nd chances. Lots of deer, and smaller cridders on that road evan had a few birds graze my helmet, also happens to be cars that don't see you in time to get out of the way. Ever hit a June bug at 80? leaves a big welt, can you imagine at 100 what it could feel like. So go your own speed, enjoy the ride,
You say you like your bike and are happy with its performance? That's all that matters. Ride your style and let others ride theirs. There will ALWAYS be moments where you lust after an upgrade or an entire new bike but you have to learn to let them pass and refocus on your satisfaction with your current bike. Then, there comes a day where you simply can't shake the feeling and then you know it's time for a trip to your bank!
I definitely have many riding styles and can be either the guy splitting lanes at 80 or the guy cruising at 65 in the right lane.
I take it from your name that you ride 2 up a lot. I can pretty much guarantee that the 2 road kings that blew past you were not riding 2 up and there is a reason for that. When you ride 2 up you just cant ride at 80 - 90 it takes much longer to react and stop & you also have someone eases life in your hands. I say ride with in your comfort zone and enjoy it.
I definitely have many riding styles and can be either the guy splitting lanes at 80 or the guy cruising at 65 in the right lane.
I take it from your name that you ride 2 up a lot. I can pretty much guarantee that the 2 road kings that blew past you were not riding 2 up and there is a reason for that. When you ride 2 up you just cant ride at 80 - 90 it takes much longer to react and stop & you also have someone eases life in your hands. I say ride with in your comfort zone and enjoy it.

I agree. Anyway, no matter how fast you make it some one will be faster. Besides, it's not the's the journy.
How many times has anybody out there ever been passed on the interstate by a 130 HP, 12,000 rpm riceball screamer only to run into them at the next exit/local hamburger joint and discover that it was an old man riding with a full face shield and snow white pony tail? Funny picture isn't it?
I had this happen to me early this summer and we had lunch together and exchanged life stories with each other. He was seventy two years old and had me by a decade or so. I asked him if his wife ever road with him and he said "I lost her a couple of years ago". Not wishing to cause any discomfort I quietly asked if she had been ill long. "No, she fell off somewhere around Omaha and I just never went back to pick her up". At that, we shook hands and parted ways. Me at 70 mph and him in a blur. To each his own, right?
Seams you can always find someone with a faster bike. As long as your are happy with the one you have its all good. Is anyone ever done moding their bike?
I've learned the last few years that my fear threshold is much lower and that I heal slower and it seems to hurt longer. I've laid a bike down a few years ago (too much alcohol), and really don't want to do that again at my age. (61) I also have to say that watching a Harley scream by at high speed looks and sound nice. I just don't have the want (nerves) to do that anymore. No, I don't drink and drive now. Lesson learned.
I have had my Tour Glide for two years now and have never taken it above 75mph. There are too many things happening; cell phones,texting, everybody in a hurry, drunk drivers,and critters, etc... and the time i was doing 75, i was on the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey and if i hadn't been going that fast, i would have gotten run over from behind. No more highways for me. I just last weekend took a trip with two friends-we were all riding one up- from N.E. Pa to Vermont and took all back roads. We had the time of our lives!... even got to see a moose and the colors were beautiful. Ride safe. Jim.
I seem to do the ton once on my bikes kind of a rite of passage. Then like Jimmyk like to see & smell the world..