Hi Rklew. I am new to scooting. How did you get the engine so clean? Any special technique to getting in between the cooling fins?
YOur ride looks beautiful.
YOur ride looks beautiful.
Hi Rklew. I am new to scooting. How did you get the engine so clean? Any special technique to getting in between the cooling fins?
YOur ride looks beautiful.
Yeah Lew, I really wish we had a Feb. Keys trip scheduled. My husband used to keep a boat in Boot Key there in Marathon. But unfortunately he sold that before we ever decided to get married. But since we were best friends and had a business together, I always had to get a 'business' trip in.We did go down last summer with the bikes. That was a good time. Have a great trip!
I rented a house this year on the water and plenty of parking for truck, trailer and bike, plus room for friends when they come down. Come on Key Largo :bigsmiley11:LOL, we looked into staying at Key Colony last summer, but decided that the community wouldn't like my bike firing up in the mornings on the way out.It's not my fault, I didn't know it was that loud when I bought it. We found a nice little place on the main drag called the Sea Dell Motel. It was actually pretty nice, the people there were cool about letting us park the trailer & they put us in the unit with the pavers who were usually gone by 5 am, so I didn't have to worry about waking them up.
Mighty fine polishing 'er up...! Fortunately I am in SoCal, so don't really have long down time and ride at least 5 out of 7 days...and the occasional weekends when not doing "honey dew" projects...! But have heated garage and nice yellow lift like yours AND no BLIZZARDS, so I am happy too...!