Well, I found one...(actually Bob Nichols at Bruce Rossmeyer HD in Daytona found one for me) which apparently is the last one remaining in the entire United States still available new in the box. It is located at Chipps Harley Davidson in Osceola, Iowa. Bob told me they didn't have an account with them so he couldn't get it and I would have to deal with them direct (which I didn't have any issue with eliminating a middle-man who , no-doubt, would get a piece of the pie). So...I called Chipps. The first time I called I asked for the parts guy (Robbie) and was transferred to parts where I listened to elevator music for about 15 minutes on hold. I hung up and called back. Same guy answered and said Robbie was on the other line but offered to help me. I asked about the module and he said I was the second person to call about it in 2 days (Bruce Rossmeyer HD probably being the other) and that he had to check if they still had it because it is posted on their EBay store and could be gone. (It was not listed on their ebay store or anywhere else on ebay - I had already checked). Back on hold again. "Ok, yup...got it right here. - $499.99" I asked the question "Full MSRP for a part that was obsoleted 3 or 4 years ago?" and he said they don't mark down their parts even if they are obsolete and if they don't sell, they either return them to HD (That doesn't happen, I'm positive) or they sell them on EBay in their store. Needless to say, I thanked the guy for his time and told him that I was not going to pay $500 plus shipping for a part that was obsolete when J&M Audio has total Bluetooth integration of the HK Advanced Audio so not only can you link with a cell phone but can eliminate the corded helmet connection all together. His response was akin to "OK...whatever." So...I guess hooking my cellphone into my audio system is not gonna happen. (Especially not to the tune of $500 plus shipping! My iPhone 4 didn't cost that much!)