this is not a good quality video from my phone, but you get the picture, its very bright, , its a spinner bulb off of ebay$15.00 and it replaces the bulb it self no other wiring, when you hit the brakes it sops spinning and flashes fast. i love it and most around here are running them, like i said the video looks awful but you can see it. 08-20-09_1725.flv video by bigboneturk - Photobucket
I'm with sharky when stopping at a light or sign i always have an eye in the rear view just to make sure the soccer mom in the mini van on the cell phone is going to stop .
I do the same, stay far enough behind the car in front of me to leave an escape route, watch the rear view mirrow and I also flash my brake lights several times till I know the ones coming up while im stopped see me.
But I still think the fast flashers help when moving and touching the brakes to get the people behind you attention