Well, here in Italy the situation is different.
We have most of the brands listed plus AGIP and IP, Italian brands, and others Q8, Erg, etc.
What amazes me is that it seems that in US you have "true" different gas brands...
Here it's all fake (and I presume in most Countries too...)
Gas is produced by
very few companies, that don't sell to the final user (in Italy there are many refineries).
Gas brands buy gas from these FEW companies and RESELL it at the pump with their brand, advertising that is better than competitors'.
But the gas sold at pumps of all different brands is basically... THE SAME!!!
What's the difference between the different brands then??
Price, fidelity cards, the look of the pump station...
You can find some cheaper brands but only outside cities, with no advertising and very simple service: the gas is the SAME than the big brands (but to fill the tank if you live in the city is expensive because of the distance...) !
In Italy you have two types of fuel: gas and diesel (plus methane, few, and liquid gas)
The gas is ONLY premium unleaded.
Some brands have some more expensive type (i.e. SHELL V-Power) but because of the bad attitude of Italian people (always frauding if possible) I could swear that they serve you a blend of premium and special gas... if you're lucky! :s (as a matter of fact very few people here buy this gas)
Thus, when I need fuel I go to the best compromise of price/distance, but
the brand doesn't make any difference.
BTW this argument makes me so upset because I know we are cheated by both the companies (always ready to increase immediately the price when the oil goes up, but always delaying the rebates) and the pumps (they "overclock" the pump to provide you less fuel than you paid and, especially when the driver is a woman, they try to steal some gas or say another price instead of that owed and other similar tricks...).
P.S. I'm Italian, then I assume all the responsibilities to talk about "bad attitudes" of Italian people: I know them very well and I live here (many times, and recently even more often, I regret it...
