This is a story I got from several news services, hope it's true:
Staff Sgt. Jason Rogers funeral was to be protested by the fine folks of Westboro Baptist Church (WBC). A few days before the service one of the WBC members was running off at the mouth at a local service station, when someone took offense to his statements and kicked his tail. When the police arrived the WBC member could not identify the attacker and the crowd that had gathered didn't see what happened. On the day of the service all the vehicles with Kansas tags in a local motel had trucks parked behind them and the wrecker service was running way behind and it took two hours to finally move the trucks (the service was over by then). The few that did make it to the service were picked up by the local police and questioned about a crime they may have been involved in, they were released two hours later after the police determined they weren't involved. Needless to say the service went on without any protestors present.