I had to haul the bike home on a trailer today , that really bummed me out anyways there are 2 code showing up
P-1511 - power management mode
p-2135 - TPS correlation error
I think the p-1511 code is what come up when the bike goes into limp home mode
I have no idea about the p-2135 code I looked in the service manual & there was no TPS in the book that I could find there was a Twist Grip Sensor (TGS)which is the throttle control . Is the TPS the same as the TGS & where would the TPS be located at or is it part Throttle Control Actuator (TCA) ?? Anyways I could not clear the codes so the codes are current , I am hoping that a wire came off or something like that so I can get back riding soon .
Behind the air cleaner cover, on the throttle body (towards the rear of the bike) is a connector. Disconnect it and spray it with contact cleaner and plug it back in. Bet you will be good to go. This has happened to me a couple of times.
DTC P2135, P2138 4.44
Diagnostic Tips
• An intermittent may be caused by poor connection, rubbed
through wire insulation or a wire broken inside the insulation.
• Poor connection: Inspect component and harness connectors
for backed out terminals, improper mating, broken
locks, improperly formed or damaged terminals, poor terminal-
to-wire connection and damaged harnesses.
The Throttle Actuation Control (TAC) System uses DTC codes
when the ECM determines that a correlation error exists for
either the Throttle Position (TP) sensor or the Twist Grip Sensor
The two TP sensors work opposite of each other. As the throttle
plate opens, TPS1 voltage ranges from 0.0-5.0V, while TPS2
voltage ranges from 5.0-0.0V.The sum of the two TPS voltages
should always measure approximately 5.0V.
The two TGSs work the same way. As the throttle plate is
opened, TGS1 voltage increases and TGS2 voltage decreases.
The sum of these two voltages should always measure
approximately 5.0V. If either of these components fail to correlate
the proper voltage, or has out-of-range voltage conditions,
then the ECM will initiate a DTC. Refer to Table 4-78.
Table 4-78. Code Description
P2135 TPS correlation error
P2138 TGS correlation error