Hi Everyone,
Just an update. Went to look at the bike at MDHD on saturday, and was surprised that it didn't really look all that bad. Nearly all damage is confined to the right side with the exception of the handlebars which are toast. Wonder if I hit those on my way to being launched. Anyway...MBHD is going to start working on her and hopefully I'll be back on it in ~ 10 weeks, that was the managers estimate. Decided to go with a Typhoon front cast wheel instead of the laced spoke, think it will look really good and be tubeless.
I'm still kinda moaning and groaning in the mornings, man, I have never had a serious injury before and I hope my healing powers are good. In the meantime my son-in-law is doing all the springtime yardwork, I am a very lucky man.
Thanks to everyone again for all the well wishes, can't wait to get "back into the saddle." BTW, my riding buddy is going to take the lead on the first ride back.