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Brothers Goldwing


I do ride with a goldwing 1500 a lot and we traded bikes and he didnt like the harley , he did like the full hog tunes set up and the zepplin seat and he did admit he liked the torque , you just sit different on a glide and he wasn't accustomed , but when we roll on the throttle the hog takes him slowly but takes him high end and low, 1450 against 1500 , the newer wings are 1800 and a lot faster but it is a different class that they are lacking............. each to there own and if your happy with your ride there is nothing better
Re: Goldwing

:p At the time i had a 2003 RK, the Guy's at work was all showing up on Honda's, couple with with GW, and they just keep on me about how nice they are, so i pick up a used one, rode it for a few months, and sold it for more then i payed , and then i went down and trade in the 03 king and pickup the 09UC and loving avery minute of it:D
Re: Goldwing

The GW's and Bmw's etc. are technological marvels but lack that mysterious quality best described as "SOUL". If you understand no explanation is neccessary, if you do not no explanation will do!!!
I'll take my Ultra hands down.

One reason I like the V-twin is its NOT wicked fast. It doesn't have that HD sound even if the HD has stock pipes. Don't like all the buttons and controls and the seating position just ain't my cup o joe. Nothing against the GW, I just don't want one.

Plus, HD is an American company. That means something to alot of people.
Didn't buy it to go fast, Lots of bikes faster than Harleys. Its not about speed....... and their still not a Harley. :p

Same here about speed. I remember when I was a kid and watched Harleys and thought the riders were so cool. Can't remember that about Honda riders.
Just an aside about speed...

I recently bought a Buell. I had joined a Buell site for the same reasons I joined this site. Couple of the things that struck me about that site was, while I understood that its a site for those that love Buell, it amazed me at how easily they would insult HD riders. Some very upset people about the whole Buell deal. (no...not trying to start a Buell argument)

I left the site. One reason I enjoy this site so much is while HD may be our preferred horse, the people here respect all riders and their rides. Thats one reason HD riders are a cut above in my view. We're all out there together.

The speed amazed me the criticism those guys had about HD. Heavy, underpowered, underperforming yada yada yada.

Well, when you get off of a crotch rocket, um...yeah...the HD is going to seem a little underpowered. When you compare an HD to a 1800, 6cyl GW, yeah, it'll probably get its rear kicked in straight line accelleration.

Again, I like others here...didn't buy an Ultra to go wicked fast. I bought it to cruise.

You can't compare any sportbike to any touring bike. It amazed me that they continued to try.

So, I'm back here. This is the only site worth anything in my view.

Best riders on the net....right here. :D
Wings have creature comforts, thats not why I ride. I ride every day and enjoy the subtle vibration and the bare bones of my Streetbob
Glad you guys are enjoying this post. I like discussing all types of motorcycles and have enjoyed reading all the different reactions. Someone said it, the GW is a good bike, if you like all the gee whiz, doo dads. I don't. I like to see and feel the road beneath me, I like the potato-potato of the V-twin. Truth be known, I believe my bro does too as he never turns down an opportunity to ride my scoot. With that said, nobody can deny the Wing is a fast, reliable and, to some, beautiful motorcycle (they sells lots of em). Oh by the way, to those of mentioned it, feel free to use my phrase (couch rocket) anytime you wish. I doubt I am the first to come up with it, but am flattered you guys have taken a shine to it. My bro laughed when I told him. It would be funny to put the phrase in a song of some sort...oh well, I'll leave that to someone musically inclined. Ride safe.
Re: Goldwing

The GW's and Bmw's etc. are technological marvels but lack that mysterious quality best described as "SOUL". If you understand no explanation is neccessary, if you do not no explanation will do!!!

My thoughts exactly and I still own a Wing. I really like my Wing but I love my Harley. If I had to choose between the two, I would choose the Harley.

BTW, the term "crotch rocket" has been around for at least 15 years. It refers to sport bikes like the GSX'er, Hyabusa, etc. But, of course, you all know that.