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Bugs Bugs Bugs

thanks for the input, I will give some of these a try. I did pick up some HD paint sealant today to try instead of wax to give it a few coats before the weekend ride

Will try the dryer sheets and hot towels once bug season hits
I have used the wet towel before washing the bike & it takes off the bugs, even the ones that have been on for a day or two.

JMO ---- whatever ya'll use to clean/dry the shield ---

BE CAREFUL you know how easy they "scratch" !!!!! :swoon
Best trick I found that works when on long rides (when you dont have room for the can of pledge) is to wet a towel and wring it out to just not dripping. Put the wet towel in a ziplock or empty bread bag, wrap that in a dry towel/rag and stow. then when you stop for gas or icecream, pull out the wet towel, drape over windshield adn go do your business. Come back, pull off and dry with dry towel. this works wonders and stores easy. Also perfect for quick cleaning the tins and chrome. when it dries out, just re-wet.
You can let your bike sit out overnight. That way the moisture will penitrate the bugs and the next morning just wipe them off. Or get a wet towel and spread it over the 'infected' area for several minutes. It will loosen everything up.
PAM cooking spray before a ride into bug country will keep them from sticking too bad. Works great on a big old chrome Texas bumper on the big truck.
Ill tell you what will get them off easier than anything else.

1) get 2 micro fiber towels
2) 1 ziplock baggy

take one of the microfiber towels and soak it wet with water and put in the baggy and seal it up. take the dry one and throw them both in your tour pack.
Everythime you stop pull out that wet micro fiber towel and wipe down the front end of your bike while following behind with the dry one. I guess what I am trying to say in a nut shell is: there is no real secret potion to deal with your problem. The only thing thats gonna make your life easy and save your paint is constant attention. when the sun has a chance to bake them onto the front of your bike while your riding it just makes them that much harder to get off and that much harder on your paint. Keep in mind im a little O.C.D.
PAM cooking spray before a ride into bug country will keep them from sticking too bad. Works great on a big old chrome Texas bumper on the big truck.

This is one I would not do. :nosad The cooking spray will cook right into your paint. The bugs will come off, the spray won't!

With Pam, Love Bugs Wipe Off But Non-stick Spray Bakes On - Orlando Sentinel

Put a good coat of wax on it. Then use Simple Green to get 'em off the paint and metal. The Simple Green will not stain any metal on your bike and won't hurt the paint. Put water on the bike, spray the Simple Green (full strength), wait a couple minutes wash 'em off with soft clean rag or sponge.