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Bugs need that last 20 inches

I for one would rather clean bugs off my windshield than my helmet, my glasses and my jacket. I guess my head is big enough that even without a windshield I still manage to hit every bug on the highway.

I've taken many long (2000 mile plus) rides both with and without a shield. The shield has more real estate than your face. Thus.... more guts get collected there.
I'm an old timer and I also rode 30 years ago without windshields. I feel in love with the FatBob and bought a Harley after 30 years of wife, kids, college and weddings. I just can't get myself to ride with a shield. The dirt, bugs, and dust is all part of the game. I love it. I wear a half helmet and goggles. Always wear my leather. Now, I've cleaned some nice size splats off my leather and got hit a couple times dead center in the goggles. Ate quite a few Fish Flys here in Michigan (hatching pretty soon) and ate gravel and dust from trucks. All part of riding. My wife sees the other Harleys with windshields and always asks me why I don't want one. Now, going 70 on the freeway, better hang on. I think that's the part I love the most.
I bought my superglide in january of last year and just put a windshield on it this past february and all though it is the quick release type I doubt I'll take it off very often. The wind is not the beating it used to be. I drive 36 miles each way to work and back and it sure helped in the winter months. I'll see what its like in the summer. It gets hot as all get out here in Texas. I'm a lot less tired after long rides as well.

I don't miss the protien either.
Nevr have used a windshield but use a flip down visor on my helmet. It does seem that more bugs hit me now with the visor than without anything. I wonder if they have some sort of radar which allows them to know if I have protection or not?:hititbanana:
I think the bugs family members wait on you i was out riding the sportster on a patch of road that bugs are real bad on ive been though there alot whiping out bugs with my face but this night i put my windshield on as im passing through enjoying no bugs in my face this bug flys out of the ditch i seen him in my headlights long enough to see he was the size of a large mans fist hit me right in the knee i swear my knee hit the tail lights and tag might have scraped rear tire a little bit to:D
I have a "Wind Vest" windshield that matches the color of my Glide that I use in the fall and spring when it is cold.
I take it off when the temperature warms-up, and I still prefer riding without it. I beleive that last 20 inches makes all of the difference with the bugs, as I have never removed the quantity of bugs from my shirt that I have from my windshield.
Alot of the guys I ride with only laugh aboutthe bugs and many have stated that if you need a quick protein boost while riding simply open ride and swallow:rider