hey, im doing my 15k service on my 08 ultra,
among doing some other mods, i came across something very disturbing
and need to know if anyone has seen this.
its with the stage 1 kit with the cast back plate 29260-08 is the kit #, the backing plate is 29239-08 stamped on the back
its been on the bike since i got it, dealer installed.
so, i take off the filter and clean it, (and no you dont oil this filter)
and i notice a
(EDIT) load of oil grime and sand, yes i said sand, in the lower
portion of the intake, on the outside of the butterfly, havent looked inside yet, dont wanna puke.
i mean its loaded.
dealer has done all service since new so no one has touched it but them.
well, heres the problem, i happen to have the tank off for a oil temp ga. install,
so i look down, at the top of the filter back plate, and where the gasket is between the plate and the intake, theres space, ALOT of space, more then
1/8" to the point that i can see light thru it, could slide a quarter thru it!
now, i had just re loctited the 3 filter mount studs, so i figure my dumbness
did not tighten them enough.
well, i tighten one down, POW, the plate breaks under the stud!
its like its the wrong plate, cuz its a uniform space, like a washer thickiness.
like if the black bracket that holds the intake on was gone, it would fit or if it had a really thick gasket it would be okay, but not witht the gasket that is there
has anyone else had a problem with this kit?
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