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Busted !

It's funny but my daughters have become bicycle detailing FREAKS. They use all my detailing stuff on their bikes (Sparingly!!!). They are only 8 years old so they refer to everything by smell rather than the brand. for example "Hey! what did you use to clean the frame?????? That bubblegum stuff or "That pretzle smelling stuff". They think that the aerosol glass cleaner I use smells like daddy's shoes. Anyway....... I'll have to try the Pledge, and I won't skimp either,,,,,I'm gonna buy mine from Wegmans like the yuppie biker I am....Ha ha ha Hmmmmmmmmmm
So we have outdoor fresh, sounds good. I actually read a little on this before and thought somebody was fooling around. Its safe on what parts of the bike?
I tried the Pledge path but I think it leaves a film on the bike. I switched to Plexis and Honda Cleaner. I might just be using the wrong Pledge, I have the yellow can the is labeled original.
Please use ONLY Pledge. Otherwise the value of Gliders "Pledge" shares will drop, & we don't want him mad:newsmile100:
I use hydroshine on mine and it shines like a gem everytime. Dust, bugs and birds cant get through this stuff and dust just slides off. You can apply it to all surfaces and it works equally well . Not advisable for tires or brakes !
I had some old 25 year old Turtle quick wax....did an outstanding job on black paint. Used it up, now it looks like it was maybe too good...I don't see anything like it at the auto store. Ok, back to Pledge.
