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Buzzing sound then engine died

My, you got a lot of miles on your bike before having any problems...most experience the pin holes in the fuel lines at least 3 or 4 years or 30 to 40k miles ago. With that many miles have you had any other work done, like the cam tensioner shoes, clutch plates, stator, starter or engine work? Just curious as to how your ride has been to you...aging gracefully I hope.
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I had the engine rebuilt at 65K miles, I had the stator and regulator replaced at around the 80K mark, and the primary belt at about 100k, the crank sensor went out a week after I had the cam tensioners replaced which was about a month ago, before then I had't had a lot of issues really, so I guess it's been aging gracefully, I try to do all of the required fluid changes and adjustments as close to the recomended intervals as I can since it's my daily driver I try to take good care of it.
Time to open up the tank and inspect the line and pump.

So I opened the tank pulled out the pump assy just enough for the bottom of the pump to be submerged in gas and have enough room to put my hand in under the pump, I energized the pump and felt gas gushing out of the pump so I figured that the pump was cracked, I pullled the whole thing out and inspected. I couln't find any ovious crackes so I put the pump back in to see If I could better pinpoint where the gas was gushing out, and low and behold the gushing had stopped, just for kicks I tried turning the engine and the darn thing fired right up... now here's my dilema, I know what I need to do but I thought I asked for a second opinion... new pump or put bike back together and hope what ever happened doesn't happen again.
by the way I also checked the tubes and no holes were found.
The fuel pump housing has plastic parts that can crack, and inside that fully pressurized pump is 50-60psi of liquid, flammable you really want to worry about finding that tiny crack/broken seal on the road and troubleshoot there? Yeah, let your inner voice work for you this time...sometimes better not to listen to the bean counter. Look what BP did, you can get away with ignoring a problem, but let it come back to haunt you just once...!:D
You are already in there. If the pump is questionable, she has had a good life. I woudl say good-bye to it. Also, as long as you are there, I would replace the convoluted fuel lines and check valve. The fuel lines do age, as do the o-rings in the check valve.

Remember not to re-use the sealing screws in teh tank top plate.

Rich P
Yeah, I know replacing the pump is the right thing to do after 130k miles it's done its job and its time to retire :D
I'll order it tomorrow from the dealer.

Thanks for the input.
So I checked the supply convulated line (the one comming from the filter was replaced a couple of weeks ago along with the filter) and found no holes I replaced the pump and now the bike starts. It idles all day long but when I opend the throttle, it stays on for a couple of seconds and then dies, I turn the run switch off and then on right away and the bike fires right up but only idles. even though I didn't find any holes on the supply line I'm going to replace it, but if this doesnt fix the problem. Can anyone think of what I should check next, is there anything that could be cutting the power to the fule pump when the revs are higher?
From your symptoms, it sounds like it could be a fuel PRESSURE problem where the pressure may be low but enough to start and idle. There's a number of other things it could be as well like a TPS (throttle position switch)