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Buzzing sound then engine died

I think I found the problem, a few weeks back I replaced the fuel filter it came with the short convoluted line and I got all new clamps, I did not have the crimping tool so I used some side cutters to climp the clamps. my theory is that somehow one of the clamps worked itself loose and due to the high pressure the buzzing sound I heard was fuel leaking at high pressure. I purchased the crimping tool, $17 from the dealer, took two weeks to arrive it was on back order from the factory, installed the old fuel pump (long story) with all new fuel lines and clamps and the bike worked fine all day yesterday. Goes to show that it always pays to use the right tool for the job. I've seen a few posts with members asking if they can use regular clamps on the fuel lines, and after this experience I would suggest to stick to clamps design for high pressure and use the right tool to install, the regular clamps might hold for a while but eventually they will fail....
I purchased the crimping tool, $17 from the dealer, took two weeks to arrive it was on back order from the factory, ..

An HD tool in bubble pack? That is not a bad price. I have never seen that tool when looking around the dealerships tool boards and such.
Part # by chance?
An HD tool in bubble pack? That is not a bad price. I have never seen that tool when looking around the dealerships tool boards and such.
Part # by chance?

Hoop, try KD424 pliars:s
Thank you Gentlemen for those part numbers. I really like having the proper tool to do a job.!
On HDTALKING the right tool are the great moderators and members. Then of course there is that Glider fellow.