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Bye Bye American Chopper

Yes RIP Capt. Phil. And good ridens to that lame show. All it did was make lots of money for the Tutal's. Wonder how long before they go broke.
That show should have been called OCC - Bike Assemblers Extrordinare! What a joke of a company and show. See what hitting the lottery can do for you! :newsmile100:
Glad it's going off.
Biker build that's a show!!!!
Got the one with Indain Larry on it and watch it several times a year.
He was a real artist.
Agree with you all! OCC......good riddence. That Paul Jr was cocky and whinny, with no real talent. He would have never lasted in the real world! Gotta show up ONTIME!!

I was more upset with the departure of Capt Phil Haris...that dude was hardcore!
Well, I actually thought they made some pretty cool bikes (not choppers) when they started. The Spider-bike I thought was way-cool.

But the more they themed them out to companies and organizations vs. making something that just plain looked cool...thats when they jumped the shark.

Their theme bikes from anything past season one are bikes that I don't see people riding. But the bikes they made when they first started the show...while wild...and probably expensive are still bikes (in the chopper-style) that I could see someone riding down the street.

But some of their later bikes - say...everything season 3 and later...were strictly show bikes.

Once they brought on that spikey-haired guy who did more CAD design...Paulie Jr was pretty much an after thought on the show. He was there just to fight with Sr from that point.
Their hacks IMO I heard Paul SR was on Jay Leno and Jay asked Paul why his new OCC bike broke down 2 miles down the road on his first ride. With out TV they never would have made it. In the end it all came down to greed ending their family and the $how. Even the son with the iron works don't get along with the old man. Oh and Mikey, he's drunk, that's why he's funny. He was in rehab on 2/3 of the show's. Give me a show with Matt Hotch (Hot Match) he does some nice work.