I loved the idea of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Below is the list of the parts needed for the replacements that the HD mechanic told me... (I know that there are some recurring parts because of the already existing parts in KITs)
They cost about 1100-1500$
The service will cost me about 1000$ more.

2500$ for a 30k Miles service...
Oh my god I can't belive it...
I think I'm gonna replace;
* Oil
* Tranny oil
* Cam chains (not quite sure if I should replace them)
* Cam tensioners
* Fuel filter
* Oil filter
and will not touch the rest until a problem or an abnormal sound arises
Does that sound meaningful to you guys?
17052-99 GASKET KIT, top end
17053-99 GASKET KIT, engine overhaul
17045-99 GASKET KIT, cam service
16719-99 GASKET KIT, rocker housing
17386-99 GASKET KIT, rocker cover
25610-99 CHAIN, primary camdrive
63798-99 Oil Filter, Chrome
16219-79B Stabilizer Link
16207-79D Engine Mount, front
29476-99 Breathertube
33759-99 Shifter rod
34901-94A GASKET, primary cover
34906-85A GASKET, inspection cover
25416-99A SEAL, clutch cover
38667-00 Cable, clutch conrol
48300-60 Roller bearing w/ cup
48315-60 CUP, bearing
14422-94 Nameplate Roadking
34904-86C GASKET, upper cover
47492-89A Pivot shaft kit
50112-99 Spring, jiffy stand
40024-97 Rear Belt - 139T
40037-79A Primary Chain
39976-65B Pad, Chain Tensioner
40063-05A Automatic primary chain tension adjuster
44082-00 Pad Kit
9247 Sealed ball bearing
9267 Sealed ball bearing
7748W Nut
8990 Ball bearing
25609-99 Sprocket, cam drive 17T
25716-99 Sprocket, cam drive 34T
56161-83A Bushing rubber
56163-93 Spacer
56159-73 Cup washer
47556-81 Bushing Assembly w/ #20
25607-99 Chain, secondary cam drive
39954-99 Chain tensioner, primary cam drive chain
39964-99 Chain tensioner, secondary cam drive chain
39965-99 Chain guide
24623-99B Bearing, main-right side of crankshaft
29229-88B Cable, enrichment
48361-80 Dust shield, Bearing upper
48365-48A Dust shield, Bearing lower
45794-94A Plate locking
62170-81A Fuel Filter
29987-99 Stator Assembly
Screaming eagle Spark plugs