Ok points taken:
Now look at it from this point of view say you had an engine that had given you more miles than ever expected and was tired, Or you were just bored and waht to start over with it.
Would it change the picture if you were just goiing to order heads,and cams all new from S&S
Does anyone have comments about the cam support plate with parent material bushings? I think the SE and some aftermarket plates have actual bronze bushing in them.
I was talked out of gear cams because of questionable reliability of the cam support plate. Anyone else hear of problems with the cam support plate?
The original plate has bearing pressed in it that support the outboard ends of the camshafts. Upgrading to the gear drive does not change this although the kits have new bearings to replace the existing ones.
On the roller chain upgrade, a new plate is supplied and the outboard end of the cams is a larger diameter to fit in the journal bearing profiles of the plate. There are no bearings pressed into the plate to support the outboard ends of the camshafts. I can't tell if there are bronze bushings in the plate supporting the camshafts, since I have not actually seen one, but I don't believe so.
If the bike you are talking about is the EVO, I do not think that has a chain drive. The cam is gear driven with both front and rear head valves driven off the same camshaft.