I have ridden in the rain far too many times in this life so far so i am usually suitably dressed for rain when on one of the bikes as it rains most days here if you get caught out again try turning your head slightly to one side and your nose will give a wee bit of shelter to one eye and the wind /rain tend to skip past your face rather than smack into it
or just drop the visor most of the way down
we did about 160 miles in rain like that once took about 5 hours first 50 miles over steep and winding mountain roads and the drops of water were so big that visibility was about 30 yards
got to a point at one time where we almost got out of it got a clear bit saw the road ahead was dry but by the time we got there the rain had beaten us
or just drop the visor most of the way down
we did about 160 miles in rain like that once took about 5 hours first 50 miles over steep and winding mountain roads and the drops of water were so big that visibility was about 30 yards
got to a point at one time where we almost got out of it got a clear bit saw the road ahead was dry but by the time we got there the rain had beaten us