Chopper, I had a problem with an insurance company once. They wanted to have someone come into the shop where I took the truck for repair to have the windshield replaced. The shop called me telling me about the problem. I took the truck to this shop because I wanted them to fix it. They did the best work. I called the agent and pointed out that if they had not stopped progress on the repair, I would not have to go get the rental, but since they didn't want to let the repair shop do their job, I was on my way to the rental place to get a car on their dime (I drove a company truck & didn't need my truck during the week). And oh, by the way, my shop will deal with the windshield because if there is any problem down the road, I'm calling my guy there and he gets to make any needed repairs as far as any leaks or anything. :s
My repair guy called me 10 minutes later & asked me what I said to the agent because he has never had the agent call him that fast. I told him I wanted him to fix my truck & if the agent didn't want to have to deal with me for every issue down the road, he best get out of the way and let me have my truck fixed correctly. Of course I never had an issue with this shop because they would fix things right.