Countersteering has nothing to do with it holding a straight line. Where the bars are positioned shouldn't make a difference. The bike should go straight on its own with no input from you through the bars. You should be able to take your hands off the bars and it should track straight, provided you're on a decent patch of road.
As far as rake is concerned, a little rake actually helps them go down the road straighter, at a sacrifice of being less nimble in turns. So, I'm not sure if your concern over rake is an issue either. But to cure your curiosity, there are plenty of sites that show pictures of how to measure your trail. Rake affects your trail, which can mess up the handling characteristics if it's too much. Not bad to know considering you're riding a bike that has some front end changes.
The scary thing is you say it was a repo. Do you know if the bike was whacked, not fixed properly, and then the owner LET it get repo'd because he knew it wasn't fixed right? Have you messed around with aligning it?
As far as rake is concerned, a little rake actually helps them go down the road straighter, at a sacrifice of being less nimble in turns. So, I'm not sure if your concern over rake is an issue either. But to cure your curiosity, there are plenty of sites that show pictures of how to measure your trail. Rake affects your trail, which can mess up the handling characteristics if it's too much. Not bad to know considering you're riding a bike that has some front end changes.
The scary thing is you say it was a repo. Do you know if the bike was whacked, not fixed properly, and then the owner LET it get repo'd because he knew it wasn't fixed right? Have you messed around with aligning it?
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