Don't knock it unless you've tried it. I put 20,000 miles on a Dunlop SP5000 on my previous bike. My bike handled just fine, even in the twisties, and if the roads were wet it threw a gnarly rooster tail.
This is nothing new, it's been going on for years.
Not in the debate just wondering if my memory has failed me again.In days gone by weren't car tires and motorcycle tires alike or almost alike.I had a 48 and a 56 pan head and the best I can remember the tires looked more like car tires.I bought tires from HD dealer but I don't remember them looking like mc tires of today.
Very interesting material in both links, however, I think I am more confused than ever. If the CT are softer and motorcycles apply higher (more concentrated) loads to the tires why don't the CTs wear faster than MTs? There must be more to this issue. What am I missing?