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Carb/ Needle help

It may be that either the slide needle or the main jet and emusifier are from a carb tune kit like dynojet and the other is not and if there is a mis match of parts then it may lead to the needle sticking
but then it may be the slide that is sticking


on another read of your post im a wee bit confused as the needle should stay firm in the slide
as the slide goes up it draws the needle with it
the needle sits in the main jet blocking most of it
the needle is taperd
as the slide goes up it draws the needle with it the taper of the needle then allows more fuel to come through the main jet this extra fuel should be in direct proportion to mix with the extra air being allowed through the carb by the slide un blocking more of the carb throat

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When the needle sits in the slide it sticks slightly when i push it up with my finger. I would assume once I put the spring and diaphram back on it would stick pretty bad. so thats why i was wondering if i had the wrong needle or needed to drill the slide a pinch bigger. a friend of mine told me he drilled it and it woke her right up.

Drilling the slide does make the slide react faster BUT it can have adverse effects under certain circumstances of a bog when you open the throttle suddenly.

You have to figure out if it is the needle sticking in the jet or the slide itself hanging up.
When the needle sits in the slide it sticks slightly when i push it up with my finger. I would assume once I put the spring and diaphram back on it would stick pretty bad. so thats why i was wondering if i had the wrong needle or needed to drill the slide a pinch bigger. a friend of mine told me he drilled it and it woke her right up.

The needle does not need to move up/down in the slide, it stays stationary and moves with the slide. The drilling out your friend did was the other hole behind the needle. That affects the vac. diapraghm. Some like it drilled others don't. IMO leave it alone.
Judging by online pictures I believe that my needle is from a Dynojet ket. CV kits seem to have a needle with a head on the top. Dynojet needles seem to have grooves at the top where you place and e clip (just like the one in my carb) should i purchase a regular carb kit from and go through the whole thing? i am assuming thats why it sticks in the slide
You will need to examin the emulsifier tube and main jet to find out what they are but stock harley parts work well in the carb the bits all just need to be the right match and correct sizes

The needle does not need to move up/down in the slide, it stays stationary and moves with the slide. The drilling out your friend did was the other hole behind the needle. That affects the vac. diapraghm. Some like it drilled others don't. IMO leave it alone.

I understand that the needle does need to move up and down. the reason i am concerned that it sticks is because i dont think it can get down by itself to seat properly causing it to run rich.
Before this exercise how clean was the slide needle area, with the air cleaner off and the engine running...when rolling on the throttle did you see the slide move up and down relatively free, with no jerking and carbon impeding it, the accelerator pump squirt strong stream of fuel in there? You may have to spray Gumout Carb cleaner in the needle/slide area, and small may have to blip the throttle a bit to keep from stalling engine. Remember to use eye and ear protection when doing this...cause backfiring does sound like a possibility here.
I would stick with the stock jets (46 low) and stock needle with 2 washers under it. More than likely the extra washer was put there like some do to store it but I feel it's a bad place to store and it will slow the rise of the piston some. It runs better with stock parts than with the other DJ kit or the earlier sporty needle (27094-88 ). Many use the older sporty needle because of the faster taper being they didn't have an accelerator pump but I find it a bit rich when used in the CV WITH the accel pump. The stocker with the shims gives good response.
If you have a DJ kit in the carb, it should be stamped differently and measures are metric over the standard jets. It's bad to mix parts from stock and DJ kits.

This is the way to smoother running, trust me I was in a similar situation with some unknown parts. Put it back stock, buy a new slide if its been drilled, put a 46 in it and two washers. You'll be pleased, I am.

I'm going to Harley to get the stock kit for the CV carb. Going to get a stock needle but just so I get it right i need a main jet at 46 what about the pilet or low speed jet?