I would put the jets back in that were there in the first place.....Then put in a brand new set of intake seals..And do not try to reseal the ones that were in there in the first place...Once they get real hot they take shape to what they are sealing to....Let the engine warm up, even if it means givin it the gas for a few...Just lock the idle screw..
Now set the idle to 1000RPMS...No, if ands or buts, 1000RPM's. Now adjust the fuel air mixture.. If this does not solve the problem, then move to other areas.....
P.S..........The Enrichner should be used only for a few moments, then turn up the throttle a bit and lock the idle screw and let er warm up that way......Pulling out the enrichner for too long only dumps a lot of extra fuel in there that ya dont need....