it has A K&N open filter it doesnt drip it hicups an spits only once in a while low rpm high rpm
That is an important bit of info. The "hicup" that you mentioned above could definitely be a valve hanging. The other potential issue it that the valve timing is off, but someone would have to have gotten into the nose cone and assembled it back with the cam, breather and pinion misaligned. But I would expect that to create problems that happened all the time rather than intermittently. If noone has been in there, then a hanging valve is much more likely. That could be caused by a bad or fouled guide, or a weak spring. I would definitely investigate that.
Never hurts to totally rebuild the carb though. I love this Keihin CV-40 carb due to its simplicity. Very easy to work on. Get the rebuild parts including a replacement slider and diaphram, some carb spray and a jet set so you can size those as required. Then just get 'er done! Easy-peasy.