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carb vs efi

I have had both and perfer the EFI hands down.Turn the bike on the ligth goes out and she fires right up and off you go.My carbed heritage was a cold hearted soul especially this time of year.You have to pull the choke out and let her warm up.I dont think I could go back.
I have to give the nod to EFI. While there is a certain feeling of accomplishment tuning a carb, the modern EFI units are capable of adjusting to so many different atmospheric and riding situations instantaneously, that they truely are marvels. The last carb bike I owned was a bear to start when the temps dropped. My EFI Ultra Classic could care less about the temps. Just fires right up...

Look at it this way, The Ford Mustang or a Vette have been around for years, the newer ones are faster, have more power, run better and are generally better than the older ones. But, I'd take an older one anyday. Iron, steel, nuts, bolts, almost no electonics and a holly double pumper, it doesn't get any better than that for me.

So I'll take my Evo carb'd, and if I can't get my bike started on a cold day, I jump in my fuel injected truck and go. I ride because I like to, not because I have to and the last thing I want to think about when I crank up the bike is my laptop or some map. I just want to listen to the iron and feel the wind.

Nobody is wrong here, to each his own..

Well said Doug...I too like simplicity, and like Smitty says EFI is the future and carbs are history. Figured rightly so that my introduction to HD would be the basic carb'ed version...always ran them, and basically "toilet bowl" technology simplicity. All the nits have long been worked out.

Sadly most all the problems I have had with the bike were mainly due to the new technology. The old tech stuff was pretty routine consumable items..other than the starter clutch. But I am also a realist and wil opt for fuel injection when the time comes. Just that I am having way too much fun with a well running carbed Sporty that I ride almost everyday...I will continue the road test and tell you my findings on the carb side of the question...oh, the carb tune fueler kit was all of $35, as opposed to TFI. SE or PC fueler for EFI equipped engine which is almost 100x that, so ROI (Return on Investment) is still very good with carb versions...!