sneyers, the reason I ask is because I have the HD center stand. Although it is ajustable I keep it set just about on it's lowest setting meaning that the back tire is on the ground and still very stable. It's takes a pretty strong effort to get it off on this setting on level ground and I find most of the time it's just easier to start the engine and drive it off. On the higher settings where it lifts the back tire off the ground it would take a tornado to get it off unassisted. I haven't ever owned but this one for this bike so I can not relate to the other brands but I know that with mine I have more worries about getting it off the stand than I do with it inadvertently coming off by itself. If it is too much of a forward slope I probably would have a problem getting it on the stand to begin with.
In answer to why someone would want a center stand let me tell you what advantages I have found with mine and on bikes in the past over my 38 years of riding. First, it makes confined parking a breeze. It also makes cleaning wheels easy even in front of a motel for those extended trips where you just can't take the filth one week longer. It makes working and cleaning on a bike easier with it upright and much handier than a jack lift. In the event of an emergency on the road such as the need to remove wheel, it beats laying your baby on it's side. The great part is that you have that ability even if you never use's bought, paid for, is tucked in to where it's not even seen, and something you only wish you had if the need arises. Take my word for's much easier to catch a ride on the side of the road with a tire and wheel than with a whole stranded bike to get the problem solved . In all I think after the money spent for non useful glitter, that most have no problem with spending on their bike, this item is really nothing much in cost but the pay off and advantage can be huge. Just personal preference I guess but to me I guess I put a high value on convenience.
Well written post...all I can say is I have a Sporty and wish I could retrofit one on. Used a centerstand on my Metric, I put it on as it was an option for my model sportbike and for those very reasons I really like 'em...much better investment for your money (ala RichardS) than all the "bling" we have a tendancy to pile on our bikes with...Okay-Okay maybe a little "bling" is justified :42: