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Central Virginia

Pretty close to the I64 / 522 exit, just outside the "town" of Goochland... you're just a quick hop down 522 then.

I'm wrapping up some work today so I can sit through the saftey course tomorrow and Friday (wife wants her license now, figured its been a few years since I last sat through it so might as well go with her)... give me a shout if you're looking to ride anytime next week though.
I have a friend that teaches at Motorcycle Safety Center of Virginia. Is that where your taking the course?
My only open day next week would be Monday.

Yeah, classroom was up at the Richmond HD dealer on the north-side and range was the K lot over at the DMV... Think the classroom instructor was Gail, and Glen joined her on the range (man, he really knew his stuff - knew it would be educational for me, but he did a great job of breaking a few bad habits and starting a couple good ones).

Sorry I missed your post for yesterday, spent the day up in Charlottesville moving my sister. Hit me with a PM or email if you're looking for someone to ride with in the future.