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Children as passengers

In Ontario, the law is the passenger's feet must support themselves on the passenger foot rest. Not simply touch them. Also, they require a helmet that fits properly and is DOT or SNELL approved. There is no age requirement.

Now, from having a 11 year old and 7 year old, I can tell you that I wouldn't ride very far unless I had a back rest minimum. Kids tend to sleep too easy so, even on those short rides, I give them a little nudge to make sure they are enjoying the ride as much as I am.
My grandaughter is 7 & 1/2 now but she has been riding with me from age 5. Now she is there at the start of the bike . She loves the way biker's wave at everyone and how "cool" they are.
My son started riding with me at 5 years . His feet wouldnt reach the floor boards on my FLHS so he would put them on the rear crash bar and wear a smile all day long
While in Myrtle Beach (actually North Myrtle Beach) last year, I was at one of the vendor areas and saw a bike go by with with a mom and dad on it. No problem right? But I was very surprised to see 2 kids sandwiched between them. Both kids were in the 5-7 year old range, and they were wearing helmets. Obviously there were no footpegs for them. I asked a cop who was standing there if it was legal.
His answer... "uhm, not sure. Did they have helmets on?"

I'm not sure if my state has an age limit on passengers, but I'm pretty sure the
cops would be 'interested' in a motorcyle with 4 people on it. lol
My grandson has been riding with my wife and myself since he was 7. At 9 years old he rode a total of 1400 miles on a 2000 mile trip to Sturgis and back. He would always ride on the lead bike and the bike behind him would check on him to make sure he wasn't going to sleep. Wife said that going though Custer State Park and seeing the buffalo, he started singing Home on the Range. If we hadn't made him ride in the chase car he would have rode the whole 2000 miles.:)
Got 3 kids 17, 16, 8. In Iowa there are no helmet laws or eye protection laws.( one of 3 states that has no laws for helmet or eyes). All 3 started riding at age 2 in front of me in the yard. At age 4 they rode around town in front of me, then when they were old enough behind me. They always wore a helmet. I live in a very small town, so don't mind them on the bike. My older ones never get on anymore . Both of them own their own vehicles, and not cool to be on the back with Dad. Plus my 17 y.o. boy is 6'3" 220 lbs and bigger than me. My 8 y.o. loves the rides! His friends think he is one cool dude on the back.
My dad used to put me (4 years) in front of him and my brother (7 years) on the back. he stoped because we got pulled over and aprently it is against the law in Minnesota.

I always joke round with my sister-in-law (she is a child social worker) that when I have kids I am getting one of those baby harness/carriers that hold the baby on your chest. she just shakes her head.
Both my kids ride with me, but not at the same time, lol.... My son (14)use to like it, but not so much now that he is "older" and it doesn't "look cool riding behind the old man!"... My daughter (11) loves to ride... They have been riding since 2005.... I know Texas law requires under 18 to wear a helmet, but I take it further....The kids must wear long pant's (my daughter tries to wear Capri pant's, you know the ones that girls wear that look like they're waiting for a flood!:newsmile100: and get's mad when I say NO!), long sleeve shirt or jacket, over the ankle sturdy boot's, and gloves. I went down with my daughter on back when she was 9. When the bike low-sided, it flipped her and threw her off. Luckily, she only had a few scrapes & bruises. She got an ambulance ride to be checked out, but she was fine and the first thing she said to me when we left the hospital was "When can I go for another ride". Didn't even phase her. She loves to ride. I felt bad, and didn't want her to ride anymore, but, you know how your little girl give's you "the look", I gave in. Mamma kinda helped talk me into it as well.:worthy