Speaking of cigars and nurses:
At my last checkup, everything is great: HDL, LDL, blood pressure, cholesterol etc. Now, I am standing on the scale when this happens and the nurse is behind me:
N: 238 lbs and you are 6' 4".
Me: Yep.
N: Do you exercise?
Me: Yes. I typically run 4-5 days a week for a total range of 15-20 miles and go to the gym to lift 1-2 times a week.
N: Do you smoke?
Me: A few cigars a year. Probably 20 max.
N: You know you should stop smoking and you have a BMI of 29. You need to take off some weght. A BMI of 29 is overweight, you need to get to a BMI of 25.
Me: Uh.....Ok....
This coming from a nurse that was 5'5" and every bit of 180 lbs.
(I can see my abs and this woman is blindly barking out suggestions. I would have to lose 30 lbs to get to a BMI of 25. Not gonna happen and nor am I giving up cigars or a fine alcoholic beverage.)
Banning smoking sounds like a good idea, but what happens in the interest of health, if they penalize being overweight? Don't laugh. Already in around the world, overweight people have been denied hip and knee replacements under socialized medicine because it was deemed a waste of resources (they are considered a health risk, and the replacements wear out quicker.)
The lines get more blurry every day. You may not like cigar smoke and I am not saying that smoking is good for your health, but the same argument could be made that riding a motorcycle is risky due to higher medical bills from accidents. It is cheaper and more healthy for you ride in a car or take public transportation.
Latest studies prove that living will kill you. No one gets out of here alive!
Smoke up and Ride ON!