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Cleaning Rocker Covers

I just bought a nice used '07 Road King Classic but it has what looks like some etching in the rocker covers. I think maybe the previous owner used a harsh solvent to disolve rust from the rocker cover bolts and it dripped down. Anyone seen this before?
I have rocker boxes from TP engineering. Only 4 bolts that hold the covers on. The 4 hold down cover bolts are "O" ringed and counter sunk into the cover, the covers are sealed with an "O" ring. They are a very nice cover CNC milled from billet and the plating is first class
I have a 08 Road King. How do you clean the rocker covers? I can't get my hand between the gas tank and the top of the rocker cover to clean the chrome.
Thanks for any input,
Ken Moore

Welcome Ken, to the HDTimeline forum...FYI, the front tank bolt needs to be removed to allow you to tilt up, prop the tank only a couple inches...5 gallons of fuel is 33 lbs or so, and not too high to take a chance on damaging the plastic fuel inlet fitting at the gas tank, then use the tried and true wood painter's stirring stick (have plenty around in my tool box for all the "honeydew" projects that always come up) with a rag (microfiber is okay) like Glider suggests. If chrome use Pledge to make it shine, otherwise, if painted aluminum I use WD40 to remove most of the grunge or Gunk Engine Brite and finish off drying with a blower or clean cotton rags (old white tshirts or terry towels work good for rough cleaning).
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