My drivetrain does it if I really try and force it to do it. But it's not coming from the primary area.
I don't know that I'd say I'm forcing this sound to be generated - it's really nothing more than pulling into the garage from a dead-stop, and going over a mini speed-bump and then pulling the clutch in after I've cleared the bump. And there's the mechanical clatter.
I don't think I even get a full engagement of the clutch (i.e., full lever out) because by the time I've cleared the bump with the rear wheel, I'm pulling the clutch lever back in to stop my process as I'm nearly all the way into the garage at that point. But that's just one example. I can replicate this sound easily under other conditions.
And there's one thing I'm not quite sure of yet, and that's if I have a properly adjusted clutch. I've got the 1" of lever release before the clutch engages, but its like still engaging all the way to full lever release. Which I'm still not used to, after riding the metric for so long. By the time I was at the appx 3/4's out point of lever release on the metric, I could begin rolling on the throttle smoothly and the clutch was fully engaged. I do this same throttle twist at the same point of lever release on the Ultra and I get this "surge" with the final bit of lever release. It's like the clutch is still engaging all the way to full lever release. I'm still not smooth on my clutch operations on this bike and don't know if it's me, a mis-adjusted clutch, or supposed to be that way.