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Collecting HD T-shirts

I pick up a shirt if it is something different. I do try and get a dealer pin from the different places we stop. On the road it is easier to pack 6 pins than 6 more t-shirts
I have 7 or 8 and the crazy thing about that is none of them are from the shops close to my house that I go in a good bit.
I started out in a frenzy but have settled down a bit. Now I look for unique ones (Jamaica) or ones that signify an event I attended (Biketoberfest.) I also will not buy anything black anymore unless it fulfills both of these rules - I, too, have a drawer FULL of black t shirts!
The best T-Shirt I have is from the Road Kill Cafe that I picked up in 92 at Sturgis. Has a complete menu on the back.
I guess I'm like most others here, I don't have a "collection" so to speak, but have quite a few. Most of mine are gifts, and I only shell out the $$$ if it's unique. My quest is usually to find one in a unique color, not black. My favorite one is at least 15 years old, and it gets worn the most. (you can almost see thru it
I also have a couple of polo's and button downs.

A few years back, I read an article in Hogtales that suggested you only buy one from a shop if you ride to it. Kinda hard to do though if you travel alot.
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An idea if you have too many t-shirts, but don't want to get rid of them (you know, too many great memories!) -- turn them into a quilt! Visit: and see one of their Harley t-shirt quilts. There are alot of sites out there. And instructions on how to make your own.

If you can tear down an engine, you can probably operate a sewing machine...
I have never in my life purchased a Harley T shirt, but I have a ton of them. Seems the kids and the wife think they make great gifts.
Better than a tie I least I wear the T shirts!
I have shirts from everywhere I have been and also have some from places my Daughter worked when she was working the Presidential Campain
Swore off HD shirts a couple of years ago. Used to always buy one when visiting "new" dealers.

Being basically cheap, maybe frugal sounds better, I am tired of the crazy price of HD t's.