At least Mr. Barry did not wake up during the procedure. I did.:small3d031: It was due to an error by the nurse anesthetist.
I was to be the doc first procedure of the day, but they took a women ahead of me. I woke up 3/4 of the way though the procedure, because I got her dose of meds. They gave a 220 pounds guy (me) the meds for a 140 pound women! :small3d023:
They would not give anymore meds, so it was a grin and bear it. The pain and pressure was bad. All I heard from the doc was "Just a few more seconds and I'll be done". Right!
Once I was in recovery, I told the staff in no un-certain terms what I though of the their ablity to do their jobs and immediately asked to see a hospital administrator. When the doc come in to tell me what he found (nothing thankfully) I expressed my thoughts on his ability to verify everything was correct prior to doing a procedure on a patient.
I talked to the administrator before I left and told him I wanted a list of all personel in the OR for the procedure and everyone's name that touched me that day.
Just before I left I heard the a family member asking the staff why the women who had the procedure before me was still asleep. She was told "I guess she didn't get enough sleep last night, she'll be awake soon". That was 45 minutes after my procedure was complete.
One thing... I never received a bill from the hospital or the doctor for this procedure. Wonder why? I changed doctors right after my follow up with him. And will never use that hopital again.:s