Day 7 - The biker gang visits Leo's mom
Today started after a great nights sleep of mountain fresh air, great food and even better company. After a nice home cooked breakfast we started to get our gear together so that we could pack the bikes and get some miles under us. When we went outside we noticed lots of frost all over the bikes so you know it got nice and cold last night. There are a few pics below of the frost on my trusty stead. As we were leaving I just had to stop and take a picture of my ride with Trout Lake and the mountains in the background. Waking up to this view was amazing and I wanted to take part of it back with me. From here we were on our way to Montrose to visit Leo's mom in her assisted care home. She lives in a regular house in the complex that is across from what she calls the big house. This is were all of the meals are served. When she told us that we were going to the big house for lunch I told here that I made my self a promise to stay out of the big house on this trip but I am not quite sure that she got it. Well at lunch she tells us a story of when she was younger and was dancing on a piano after drinking 1/2 a bottle of bourbon. We all had a good laugh at that one. When we were leaving she asked us to make some nice noise with our bikes when going down the streets playing the vtwin pipes. You see, she had told all of her friends that her son was coming by with a biker gang to visit her and wanted to make sure that they all knew we were there. Some gang, A general manager for a hotel, two executive chefs and and F&B quality control manager. It was more like the mid life crisis crew. From here we made our way to Salida, CO where we spent the night. We found a nice little restaurant near the river and had an early dinner and back to the hotel. We picked up some coldies on the way back so that we could celebrate David's birthday as it was the next day but we would not all be together tomorrow night as David and Leo were heading back to Vegas and Christian and I would be making the trek back to the east. We parked ourselves at a picnic table near the river at the hotel and enjoyed some nice cold ones. Today we rode 255 miles and the total for the trip so far is 3,067 miles.