Active Member
Yes it does and I have the starting and end witnesses along with all receipts and pics of the odometer.
Yesterday we managed to get to Durango from Santa Fe via Chama and Pagoda Springs. This was 278 miles and added Colorado to the list of states. Today will take us from Durango up the Million Dollar highhway through Ouray, Silverton and Ridgeway. After that we drop down to Telluride for the night. So far we have been lucky with the weather but looks like some rain today.
Thanks for info on Independence Pass. Time to eat and pack the bike.
it would but it has to be certified with receipts and a route plan submitted before hand
1030 miles is a good old stint took me 22hrs to do 1052
Yes it does and I have the starting and end witnesses along with all receipts and pics of the odometer.
Yesterday we managed to get to Durango from Santa Fe via Chama and Pagoda Springs. This was 278 miles and added Colorado to the list of states. Today will take us from Durango up the Million Dollar highhway through Ouray, Silverton and Ridgeway. After that we drop down to Telluride for the night. So far we have been lucky with the weather but looks like some rain today.
Thanks for info on Independence Pass. Time to eat and pack the bike.