Where are you going?? See your going via Santa Fe then????
Chapma?? Maybe Chama, NM??, very nice places but be aware of the Deer, Elk and Tourist on the Highways. I spent 20 years in the 4 corners many nice spots to see. Veras restaurant in Chama, if it still there, Very Very good Mexican Food. Oh and if you see my Ex wife....you haven't seen me, hahaha. Ride safe and Have fun.
Yes I meant Chama.
Yes I meant Chama.
We managed to get in 1,030 miles yesterday and 4 more states, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. We just missed the big hail storm in New Mexico by about 10 minutes. We saw some great scenery along the way. Today we are off to Durango, Co and only going to get in 300 or so miles of smiles. Total millage so far is 2,438. I will most likley start a new thread when I get home in more detail and pictures.
Make sure you hit Independence Pass (12,094 feet) just NorthWest of Colorado Springs.