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Compensator Issues

I just got done re-torquing the comp nut on my Heritage. It does sound pretty nasty when they loosen up. Take the time to look everything else over good while you are in there. I found a crack on my tensioner shoe while I was doing mine. I wouldn't give much thought to the fact that you just replaced the primary components recently either. I had to have a new engine in April and just dealt with this last weekend. Call me crazy, but I would have thought this type of thing would have been covered with my warranty. Harley claims it is an "adjustment item/issue". At any rate, Redfish Joe has great advice...take the time to clean the threads thoroughly while it's apart. - Good Luck
Those early compensators that are repeat offenders are getting torqued to spec but not achieving the required clamping pressure to keep them tight. It was an issue with the early models that the MoCo addressed by offering a shim to fit between the compensator nut and the outer shell. Before the MoCo came up with a solution, us shadetree guys started shaving .030" off the end of the compensator. See the illustration for claricication.
