I was towards the end of a nice long ride this morning. Jamming to the Doobie Brothers and approaching a 90 degree left turn I've ridden dozens of times. The last third or so of the turn is blind due to trees on the inside of the curve. Outside of the curve is wide open - an embankment covered with kudzu.
I was just about at the point where I'd start getting back on the throttle when - HELLO!!! - there's a deer standing in the middle of my lane. Since I wasn't gassing it yet it was a fairly uneventful stop but for a second or two, I'm not sure which of us was more startled.
Folks, I thought about it the rest of the ride home. Even if you're on the same road you've ridden hundreds of times, there's no margin of error for complacency when riding a motorcycle. Easy to say but hard to put into practice on a daily basis.
Everyone ride safe out there and expect the unexpected!