LOL Not sure why anyone would go to that much trouble? As stated they aren't formula 1 engines and geeze..the original Harley Knuckleheads and Panheads and Shovelheads are still out there running without all that extra fuss? I read about some guy who went around the world and has 550,000 k on his 1994 Harley. (341,754 miles) ? I don't think he worried about draining every drop and he rode through really ugly spots? Heres a link if you want to read about it
Peter and Kay Forwood on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. World's Most Travelled Motorcycle.

Geeze I wonder if any Non-Harleys made it that far?? Oh wait ..this Harley has the world record for having been ridden in every "recognized" country in the world??? LOL
My two cents.