OK guys, now you're scaring me. I'm doing the compression test tomorrow (1-29). My friend is an ASE auto mechanic at a dealership, and does alot of Harley work as well. He changed out my cam chain tensioner shoes and new cam bearings at 60k miles. He did not put in stock bearings but ones with more rollers on them. He said they are much better than stock. I don't know the name of them. Maybe Timken? So now I wonder if this is where the problem lies. This noise has been a problem for so long now, I can't remember if it was there before the cam bearing change or if it came after. I will tell my friend what you guys said tomorrow and see what he thinks. Like I said, I do hear the noise down around the cam shaft with the stethescope. Whatever it is, I sure hope we can find it. I'll sure keep you advised, and thanks again for all the ideas.
Torringtons (Timkin).
If the compression is OK, try replacing the exhaust gasket on both pipes. Try the new Cometics C9540 extreme performance exhaust gaskets.