Active Member
There really is alot more to this. This is a fellow and his wife that we did many things with, going to diner and whatever. Always used my car and fuel which I never cared about. Guy is not good with his hands, so was always helping him on his house, bikes and cars. Never asked for a penny.That's what friends are for! When it came to a trip like this, just wanted him to accept a fair and reasonable share of the cost.
To those out there without tow vehicle, I suggest you consider what it cost to own and maintain such equipment if you get asked to go along. If the guy says " I was going anyways, just come along", great, but be sure to treat him right. If he gives you a price, and you feel its to high, respect his decision and just tell him it's more than you can afford and won't be going. Leave it at that and stay friends![]()
I agree with you completely as I know there are always different circumstances. I do have a tow vehicle and know that towing almost anything over 1000 lbs drains fuel etc.
But when vehicles (especially those set up to tow heavy loads) can get much more than 100,000 miles and still run strong, 2600 is really no big deal in the scheme of things is all I'm saying. For me it would be more insulting if someone said "sure I'll come along but I'm only paying 1/3" is way more insulting than someone who says "50/50 with a little kicker to pay for wear and tear."
I'm not saying your request was unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination. But sometimes its just not worth the aggrevation or the argument. As someone who has had a best friend that abused the friendship (only doing things as it's convenient for him, all take/no give) I understand the dillemma. I did TONS of stuff for him especially when he was broke and struggling only to never have the favors returned...or at least show some sort of gratitude. Needless to say after 15 years of him being my best friend, we're finished and have been for a few years now which is a shame but I got tired of always being on the giving end and when I needed help with something he only did it on his terms.
I've just come to the conclusion that there are some things not worth fighting over. If you did a bunch of stuff for him and he didn't/doesn't reciprocate, then it doesn't sound like it was a true 2-way friendship.
But 2600 miles is still not a big issue in my opinion. That he didn't even OFFER to pay 1/2 of the expenses is insulting.