I have been trained as an advanced police traffic rider. Brake cover is very important for heavy traffic at slow speeds and in urban areas when passing junctions, other vehicles manoeuvring, kids playing with balls on pavements, passing stationary buses in fact anything that may cause you to take evasive action but brake cover must be always preceded by good observation always check far distance middle distance near distance, sides and to the rear at all times. A good tip is to check delivery vehicles wing mirrors for the driver he may be about to open his door without looking as he may be distracted with his paperwork. We also trained at high speeds 120mph + brake cover is also important at those speeds approaching junctions, hump back bridges, passing petrol stations etc. Brake cover should be foot and hand brake. If required to brake foot to hand pressure is evenly applied with the front slightly before the rear. Whilst driving in slow town traffic I find it best to just use the rear brake by feathering it keeping full control of the bars.