Jack Klarich
Sorry about the confusing post (made sense to me, but thats a different issue). Bubbie is spot on, the hole broke out next to the venturi. The screw is fine. So I am in need of a backing plate. Will the A.N. air filter bolts etc. work with a S.E. Backing plate? No more AN for me. Thanks for reminding about one of my own rules JACK! I dont feel bad as I the AN was on the bike when I bought it and if it aint broke dont fix it! Well, its broke and would like to go with an SE or the K&N. IF I can just use the SE backing Plate #29510-05 as Crocker pointed out I will just use it. I was originally thinking I had to replace with a new kit type thing. Maybe not as I can reuse the AN filter and associated hardware.
OK now you owe me a coke LOL glad you are getting it sorted out Capital Jack:s